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The time is almost here for your big day! We are looking forward to celebrating this simcha with you and your family. In preparation for your service, please fill out the form below to indicate how you will be including friends and family in the service. At present, masks are recommended for indoor services. Any questions, please contact: | 310.889.2265
* Required Fields
(Parents may either read the text provided in the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service booklet or offer brief comments to their children as they present girls and boys with a tallit.) What will your family do?
PLEASE READ. THIS IS A CHANGE FROM A PREVIOUS PRACTICE: Parent(s) offer a blessing to the bar/bat mitzvah child in front of the ark at the passing of the Torah (Please note that this blessing has a time limit and the rabbi will give further details to the family.)
(The Torah is passed through the generations of Jews in the child's family. Usually, (great)grandparents to parents.) Please list the names and relationships to your child of the people that will be honored.
(OPTIONAL) For younger relatives/friends. Please list names of those who you would like honored.
(Remembrances of significant individuals who have died in the past years) (May be Jewish and non-Jewish family members.)
Complete this chart for Aliyot to the Torah (Honorees called to Bless the Torah). Hebrew names are optional for these. The Hebrew name form is: (the individual's name) son/daughter of (the individual's mother) and (the individual's father). If there is only a "Jewish" or Yiddish name for the person, this will work as well. An aliyah is for people over 13 only. Non-Jewish partners are welcome to join their Jewish partners for an aliyah. Due to covid, aliyot will be recognized by the officiating rabbi and will have the aliyah at a designated location near the Bimah. All guests will have to remain masked while participating in the service. No one other than your immediate family may approach the Torah or Center Bimah. Grandparents and other family members are allowed to participate in the service on the back bimah for the Ark opening and Torah passing. Please note that that parents typically do their aaliyot just before the final maftir by their child.
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785